Sabtu, 03 November 2012

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How to Use CorelDraw

This article was created by a professional writer and edited by experienced copy editors, both qualified members of the Demand Media Studios community. All articles go through an editorial process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking, and other steps in an effort to provide reliable information.
CorelDraw transforms ideas into specialized graphics, logos, marketing projects or business tools. Experiment with CorelDraw as it allows you to build from scratch or edit an existing idea. Let your imagination soar as you learn and develop the many tools available to create, produce or edit your next design. 


  • 1
    Check out Corel PowerTrace to use the bitmap-to-vector tracing tool. Gain control and obtain flexibility for editing vector images. Also use color merging and interactive color mode selection.
  • 2
    Use the Photo-Paint Image Adjustment Lab to adjust photo colors and tones. Also maintain the ability to create snapshots of your edited photos. This tool makes comparisons easy and quick.
  • 3
    Test the Interactive Fit Text to Path tool. This tool now makes it easier to attach text to a path. This tool is commonly used to create logos and signs and lets you control the text placement for desired results.
  • 4
    Check out the updated PANTONE® color palette. It now includes transparent white which can be used for a soft white effect or an overlay.
  • 5
    Preview the new Overprints Preview tool. This new tool allows you to prepare objects for print and allows you to view overlap areas.
  • 6
    Experiment with the "Crop" tool. This tools significantly saves you time and allows you to remove areas in objects, photos and vector images.
  • 7
    View the selection of images, fonts and photos. There are now over 10,000 professional clip art images, 35 new fonts and 1,000 photos royalty free.
  • 8
    Seek insight from the professionals. Check out the CorelDraw Handbook for examples and best practices to accomplish what you are trying to do.

    The picture of coreldraw:

    You can download Coreldraw in this website:

    You can watch the video in this website:

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